A thank you letter

Dear circumstances  ,

                    I wished to write a letter to you. You have been there in my life since i was a toddler. It has been hard for me to face you but i faced you even when you came as a raging storm for i needed to grow up. You have helped me be what i am today without you i would have been no one.

I can’t pen down how i faced you. It had been a rough journey but i am strong because of you. You have made me do things that i never imagined to do. You made me walk on a rough road,you made me sacrifice things i loved dearly. I thank God that you are in my life. 

I would like to express my happiness and gratitude towards you for without you i would have been someone else. Thank you for everything, thank you for every moment, i wish you will always be with me throughout my lifetime and make me strong with every page of my life.

Your faithful adresser 

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