Maps help one recollect memories

Maps shows places.

The map i was looking forward to was of Sikkim, one of the north-eastern states of India.  This place has made me create memories which i would never wish to erase. 

The place has got a mesmerizing atmosphere. One can get close to nature very well here. There is beauty everywhere, it is a place where you can breathe fresh air and see the clouds floating in front of your eyes. The place makes you crave to explore each and every place there. But that’s not the reason why I want to remember it, I want to remember this place because it is where I went for an outing  for the last time with my dad. 

Years have passed by but i have tried hard to remember the memories we created there together, for memories are the ones that will stay till the last. And i wish to store each and every memory of that trip for that means a lot to me. These memories bring a smile on my face. I love going through the photographs as they help me store my memories.

Things have changed ever since then. But remembering this place makes my heart go wild with happiness. It gives me a push when i lay back or feel depressed, as i get to remember my dad and that makes me think a lot and helps me move on.

This place has given me wonderful memories and i would like to cherish them till my last breath even when am lying on my death bed.

I thank God for giving me an opportunity to create memories in such a wonderful place. 

I got that urge to remember, for memories are precious 

I got that urge to recollect,for it makes me happy

I got that urge,yes i got that urge

I got that urge to remember, for memories are precious 

I got that urge to recollect,for it makes me happy

I got that urge,yes i got that urge

Maps take you places but when you sit down idle with maps it will take you to a journey to memories. Every road on the map has got a different story and this journey will make you get lost. But you will be happy to be lost in your memories.

4 thoughts on “Maps help one recollect memories

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  1. I loved reading this because I could “see” it as I read. As you described sweet moments with your daddy, it caused me to reflect back on some of the sweet moments I had with mine. Seems we have that in common: the loss of our fathers. But, oh, we shall see them again someday. And I really look forward to that reunion!

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