If I do good you will get jealous
If I do bad you will speak ill
What should I do then, cause I know you will never let me live
Should I die then?
If I socialize you have problem
If I don’t you still have problem
What should I do then, cause I know you will never let me be happy
Should I die then ?
If I talk you got problem
If I don’t you will still have problem
What should I do then, cause I know you will never let me be happy
Should I die then?
If I go out you say why are you going
If I don’t you say why ain’t you
What should I do, cause I know you will never let me be happy
Should I die then?
My dear society please tell me what should I do
If I do this you will have problem
If I do that you’ll still have problem
Alas it seems I got no option
I should die then, cause it’s the only way that you’ll stop interfering

Life is such a mess, we ain’t even clear about what we should do and what we shouldn’t. And here you instead of helping me are messing with my brain, knocking me down at every step of my life. Making me hard to decide what will make you happy and what will please you for I know my happiness doesn’t matter. I had to do things that makes others happy and sacrifice my own for your happiness. You want me to be in a nutshell and then want be to break through it and then not accept me. I know my dying won’t change a thing but it is the thought that comes in every mind to escape this cruel society. And I won’t die cause the society ain’t worth my life, I’ll live fighting it.

4 thoughts on “SHOULD I DIE THEN?

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  1. We live in a society of good and evil. We can choose the people we want to allow into our lives. Ones that give us life, not ones that drain us of it. Sometimes the best thing we can do is separate ourselves from those who constantly drag us down. There are so many good people in this society who are willing to see the best in you and encourage you in your daily life. I have found that most of them are easily found in Christian church life. Though there are some “duds” there too most of them do a very good job of encouraging others and bring them joy. Praying for you…..

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I agree. It is hard to keep being positive sometimes. But we can always make right choices. We have that free will option. I know that sometimes it seems our positive efforts are useless, yet I do believe that even the slightest move in a better direction is worth the effort because the Lord sees to it that those efforts pay off. I have seen that over and over again even during the times I felt weary and hopeless. I trust Him anyway and He always comes through somehow.


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